• borderless東京
  • borderless東京
  • borderless東京
  • borderless東京
  • borderless東京
  • borderless東京
  • borderless東京


Vacancy List

Ikebukuro station (JR Yamanote line, Saikyo line, Yurakucho line, Marunouchi line, Tobu Tojo line, Seibu Ikebukuro line, Fukutoshin line) 10 min walk
Rent: 50yen

Tawaramachi (Tokyo Metro Ginza) - 4 min walk, Ueno (JR Yamanote Line) - 12 min walk
Rent: 49,000yen
3min walk to the nearest station.(Tawaramachi station) Walking distance to Asakusa and Ueno station.

House info

We own 9 shared houses.
all of them are located close to the nearest station.

Ikebukuro・Akabane area

All7 Sharehouse

  • Otsuka Station(JR Yamanote line) roughly 8min walk to the station.
    Rent: 58,000yen

  • Ikebukuro station (JR Yamanote line, Saikyo line, Yurakucho line, Marunouchi line, Tobu Tojo line, Seibu Ikebukuro line, Fukutoshin line) 10 min walk
    Rent: 60,000yen
    5min to Ikebukuro Station on foot !!

  • Ikebukuro station (JR Yamanote line, Saikyo line, Yurakucho line, Marunouchi line, Tobu Tojo line, Seibu Ikebukuro line, Fukutoshin line) 10 min walk
    Rent: 50yen

  • Shimo Station (Tokyo Metro Namboku Line) 6 min walk, Akabane (JR Saikyo Line) 12 min walk
    Rent: 45,000yen

  • Oyama Station (Tobutojo Line) 9 min walk, Kanamecho Station (Tokyo metro Yurakucho Line) - 11 min walk, Ikebukuro Station (JR Yamanote Line) - 20 min walk
    Rent: 49yen

  • Itabashihoncho Station (Toei Mita Line) - 5 min walk, Nakaitabahsi Station (Tobutojo Line) - 10 min walk
    Rent: 49,000yen

  • Itabashihoncho Station (Toei Mita Line) Roughly 2min walk to the station.
    Rent: 47,000yen


Nakano・ Shinjuku area

All1 Sharehouse

  • Shinnakano (Tokyo Metro Mrunouchi Line) 6 min walk
    Rent: 45,000yen
    You can go to Shinjuku by bicycle!


Ueno・Tokyo area

All1 Sharehouse

  • Tawaramachi (Tokyo Metro Ginza) - 4 min walk, Ueno (JR Yamanote Line) - 12 min walk
    Rent: 49,000yen
    3min walk to the nearest station.(Tawaramachi station) Walking distance to Asakusa and Ueno station.


About Us

about us

We are a community in Tokyo without borders!
Make many friends and lasting memories that may become the treasures of your life!
Guest house Borderless-Tokyo provides comfortable accommodation with a once in a life time experience for foreigners and Japanese people living together!
We surely believe that FRIENDS are invaluable treasures with an importance beyond that of great fortune, a high position, fame and other material things.

Guest house Borderless-Tokyo's motto is :
"Enjoy share house life! "
Let us create an environment for you to meet people and make life-long friends and enrich your life.


QWhat will be the initial cost?
AYou’ll need to pay deposit money 30000yen to book the room. (20000yen will be refunded under certain conditions)
When you first move in you’ll need to pay rent and utility fee on daily base plus 2000yen for mattress cover fee.
If you want to know more about the initial cost, feel free to ask!
Also, we will consider divided payment for the deposit and initial cost if you request.
QWhat do you need to book the room?
AYour ID, deposit money 30000yen.(20000yen will be refunded under certain conditions)
Japanese →If you stay longer than 6months and inform your departure date one month prior, you’ll get 20000yen refunded.
Foreigner→If you stay for over 2months and inform your departure date one month prior, you’ll get 20000yen refunded.
QWhat do I need to bring on the first day.
ARent , utility fee (daily base), 2000yen for mattress cover fee(1time only)
You need to bring your own beddings(blankets and pillows)
If your move in date is after the 20th, you’ll also need to pay for the next month rent and utility fee too.
Feel free to ask if you need to know the exact amount of initial cost!
QWill I get to know what kind of residents stay in the share house?
AHave a look at our Instagram and you’ll be able to see our party there.
If you have a certain house you are interested, feel free to ask.
We can tell you some information about the house residents.
QCan I make my friend stay overnight?
AIt’s a share house so we don’t allow girlfriends and boyfriends stay overnight. If it’s just a friend, or part of your family, we allow 2 nights per month at the max. You’ll need to get permission from all your sharemates and once that’s done, let us know who’s staying for how long.
QCan I bring my lover or my friend to my room?
AYou can invite your friend or your lover to your room, but use of shower is prohibited. Also, they can stay until 9pm at the latest.
QCan 2 people live in a same room together?
AOur share house is basically for single person.(1person per room) But we also have an apartment and there are some rooms where multiple people can stay in a room. Feel free to ask!
QIs there a place to park a bicycle?
AIt depends on the share house but there are some houses that have a parking space for bicycles.
Feel free to ask!