About Us
What’s borderless-tokyo guest house(apartment)?
We are a community in Tokyo without borders!
Make many friends and lasting memories that may become the treasures of your life!
Guest house Borderless-Tokyo provides comfortable accommodation with a once in a life time experience for foreigners and Japanese people living together!
We surely believe that FRIENDS are invaluable treasures with an importance beyond that of great fortune, a high position, fame and other material things.
As members of society, hours float away as we sit at work, typing away our time. Once we arrive home, we are so exhausted that we go to sleep straight away; and the tape goes on repeat. Next thing you know, your close friends and memories become far-fetched and distant.
Let’s laugh our heads off!!
If you are going to laugh, share it!
Guest house Borderless-Tokyo aims to provide a wonderful space where people from various backgrounds and countries can gather and understand each other through conversation and laughter. Our mission is to create a modern value of international friendship through share house life.
Let’s make a lot of new friends, through weeknight Japanese dramas in the living room, outings to explore Tokyo, and through.. Kanpai! Let’s experience Tokyo together!
Guest house Borderless-Tokyo’s motto is :
“Enjoy share house life! “
Let us create an environment for you to meet people and make life-long friends and enrich your life.
Thank you.
Origin of the name of borderless-tokyo
For Japanese people to go abroad, and live a life in a Japanese community only, we think it would be a waster sometimes.
Guest house Borderless-tokyo thinks it goes the same for the foreigners too, it’s really a waster and sad to live in only their own community, by taking the fact that you came all the way to Japan.
(Don’t take it wrong. We personally think of definite need of a friend from same country too!)
For the solution of the issue, although the foreigners efforts are required, at the same time it is thought that the people of native country (who can accept the person) are also required as an absolute element.
We would like every Japanese people who comes to stay at our guest house(apartments) to undertake the role by all means.
Foreign peoples impression of Japan will be decided mainly by how well the Japanese people blend with eachother.
We think if you can become great friends, that would both be great for you and thus great for the future of the two countries.
Such a meaning is put, and since we recall ourselves
the places without border in Tokyo ,
in a word, we use the word, Borderless-tokyo.
The management person’s introduction

We also got acquainted originally in Sydney in Australia at working holiday. At the time we met, we both were house sharing but in a different places.
At that time, I(Seiji Kondo) was working for small radio station in Sydney Australia. It is my longtime dream to produce the program with radio station, and every day remembers to be unbearably happy. At days, I worked hard too much, and had collapsed from extreme fatigue. However, the radio station went bankrupt to our regret now.
On the other hand, she (Shinobu Kondo) had a goal to make 100 friends for the period when she was able to stay as a working holiday maker in Sydney Australia, and had the target to draw all the new friends portraits. For me, there was no problem of the culture and to speak English because I had lived for about ten years in foreign countries. However, that was the first time she actually spent in a foreign country. Besides, she couldn’t speak English very well. I think it was so tough for her.
Our lives didn’t meet until the day when me and my Aussie share mate decided to enter the video competition called Tokyo Video Festival . I met her when she has applied when recruitment was put because the staff was necessary for the movie making.
And then, I became acquainted with her share mates at that time, and never to say, also became a good friend. And soon I realized that I had an enormous amount of friends which started from her. Life at that time still recalls wonderful time ,really. After work, I went to a friend’s house with a pizza, and drank cheap wine, and just trash talked night in and night out. We were talking about our future dreams too. We sometimes, had a big argument yelling out at each other too. Everything became a good memory for me.
One of the funniest thing was, one night, I suddenly said we are gonna go fishing’ at 3 in the morning, and we took our fishing rod, and went to the sea with my veryyyyyy old car!!! And caught fishes, octopus, and squid etc.And when we got back , we started a hot pod party which started from about 8am!! We put cheese and miso together (sounds terrible!!) Anyway, we felt that it was delicious though unreasonable. Besides, we had no idea how to cook octopus-sashimi. I thought that the octopus would die if we pierced the kitchen knife to octopus’s head! And I did it. unfortunately, octopus’s arm started coiling around my arm, and it rising to my body fast. We were in panic!! but, it was fun!!
The friends who did such things together are my treasure, and of course, we still get along. And one has become my wife. Also, a friend of mine found his wife in our friends!! We found a lot of wonderful memories through the lives of share house.
When I came back to Japan, I realized there was no style to life such as house sharing. One of my Australian friend asked me . Is there any place such as guest house in Japan, Seiji?
From the fact that foreign people have difficulties trying to find an accommodation,
I thought maybe we can help the foreigners by running a guest house and if some
of them can experience the happiness that we had
After that me and my wife decided to run a guest house.
5years has pasted since we started. Now we have 11 guest houses with about 70 people living there and enjoying their guest house life. We have increased regular sporting events such as basketball and volleyball once a month and we also established a film club.
Of course, it was not like this from the beginning. We believe that human relationship is one of the most important thing, so we opened a home party once a month. (Of course, we still do it!) Now we don’t have to be the hosts, People living in our guest house who agree with our idea are willing to have a party by their own.
Now we have residents who have a very distinctive personality, and also attractive. We feel so happy that merry laughter which we experienced are born from all over the place. We hope every people living at our guest houses are happier more and yet more!! We’ll do our best as much as we can for that!
And now we got a guy who works with us. As a matter of fact, he is a friend when I was enjoying my house share life!! The reason why I choose him is of course he is talented and more over, we have very strong relationship of trust! I think this is a treasure of house share life!
Now we (Seiji and Shinobu) are 34 and 32 years old and have 2 kids. When we were really enjoying share life (that is when we were in the 20’s)I think it is such a precious time to meet a lot of wonderful friends for yourself. (Not to mention, 30’s are also very precious!) It is really presious to take seriously about your friends, and showing how much you care about them. We hope that you could experience these kind of things at guest house borderless-tokyo.
This is just an aside. I’m finally telling you about my future of dream and goal!!
I’m not sure when I could make, I’ll start broadcasting Japanese radio station in Sydney, Australia someday! In the beginning I wrote, I used to work for a radio station. Then, I was thinking that it must be very useful for Japanese tourists, working holiday makers and students, if there was Japanese radio station in Sydney! Besides, it can be a cultural bridge between Australian and Japanese! The idea makes me fell excited!!
Don’t you think so??This is the only one Japanese radio station in Sydney! I’m pretty sure it is useful and absolutely essential for people!
In fact, there are some similarities between radio and share life. It is a must situation that every staffs shares the big laughter together in order to make a real good radio program. Therefore, producers, radio DJs, and staffs go for making work site better. On the other hand, for share life, you can make great personal relationship with people who happen to live together and have a big laughter together!!
Similarities between radio and share life.This is A BIG LAUGHTER definitely!!
Seiji Kondo
Company inforomation
■ Company name | Kokusaikouryukyoukai Inc. |
■ Location | 1-10-35 Gakuecho Higashikurumeshi Tokyo |
■ Tel & Fax | 0424-58-5085 |
info@guesthouse-tokyo.jp | |
■ General Manager | Kenji Kondo |
■ Number of worker | 5 |
■ Capital | 3,000,000Yen |
■ Established Year | April 2001 |
■ Type of job | House share management |
■ Buisness Partner | Mitui sumitomo bank |